Thursday, July 19, 2007

Having once lost six grand betting on a dog called Liquorish Stick, I think I know a thing or two about dog fighting. Like never bet on a dog called liquorish Stick when he is going up against 7 time World Champ, Iron Jaw. Anyways, it has come to our attention that beloved Atlanta Hawks Quarterback Michael Vick A.K.A Ron Mexico is in a spot of trouble regarding some dog fights he may have hosted. We decided to dig a little deeper into this and find out a bit more about the world of underground dog fighting.
In our search for more information we came across an actual league that runs illegal dog fights known as the National Dog Fighting League or N.D.F.L. The league has been around since 1992 when the W.W.D.F.F. (World Wide Dog Fighting Federation) merged with the M.L.C.F. (Major League Cockfighting) creating the N.D.F.L. We sat down with commissioner of the N.D.F.L Mr. Sal Huebrick.

F4P: Good Morning Mr. Huebrick, thanks for coming so let's get right into this so the two leagues merged back in 1992 but what where did the chickens go.

SH : Good morning, and excellent question. To be honest there just isn't an money here in the U.S. for cockfighting, so we got rid of it. But in Mexico and Europe Cockfighting is huge. Basically it's like soccer, for whatever reason it just does not translate here in the U.S.

F4P: How would you respond to critics of your sport who claim it's cruel and morally bankrupt?

SH: Look our league is clean and respectable, we have a very strict anti doping policy and each match is monitored by a league licensed ref to make sure no one is throwing the match.

F4p: But Sir, you have dogs in the ring killing each other!

SH: Fair enough, but compare our league to any other major sporting league out there. Our athletes aren't using steroids, shooting up strip clubs, or assaulting there spouses....

f4p: Of course there not, there dogs for Christ sake

SH: Listen to me, when Bow Wow Bigelow or Mr Tootles finish a match (assuming they survive) they don't go home and put there wives head through a plaster wall cause they are all hopped up on some drug. No, our athletes are all well behaved and obiedendent. They live model lives outside the ring and are role models. If one of our athletes steps out of line its nothing a rolled up newspaper to the nose can't solve. I mean can football of even baseball say that? No sir, no they cannot.

F4P: No, no I don't believe baseball or football can claim to have such model athletes in there leagues but again I need to point out that your athletes aren't actually athletes, their dogs and more over if a baseball or football player steps out of line there not shot after the game, how do you respond to that?

SH: But imagine how competitive sports would be if they were, that's all I'm going to say about that then.

F4P: Recently Michael Vick has been indited for allegedly electrocuting, shooting, drowning, and in one case repeatedly smashing a dog on the pavement to kill it. Any comment on this?

SH: Yah, his training methods were pretty advanced, but that's probably why he bred so many winners, I mean in this sport most guys follow the more traditional training route of starving and then kicking the shit out of there dog.

F4P: Ok, well thank you very much for your time. I hope you have a great time rotting in hell!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

new blog entry!!