Friday, July 13, 2007

Why most of the world hates us!

Before we get to far into this monstrosity on the left let me set the scene as to how it was created. Its 2002, a fat 35 year old man is sitting in his mothers basement playing Xbox and listening to sports talk radio.......
Fatman: "Man I am hungry, but what to eat, hmmm ring dings...nah, Cheetos...nope not in the mood looking for something a little healtier. I want a hamburger but I also feel like doughnuts, crap I can't have both.......or can I! MOM!! I need a Hamburger no Buns and two wait make that Boston Cream Doughnuts. MOM!
And thus A hamburger smashed between to doughnuts was born.

Ok that story's not true but there is a riveting story on debating if the Fatkreme predates the Luther Burger.
"In a stunning turn of events that may shake the very foundations of burgerological anthropology, A Hamburger Today has been presented with credible new evidence that the first burger to use a Krispy Kreme doughnut as a bun may have evolved almost two years earlier than previously thought."

I can't believe this is news does anyone realize there is a war going on! If you want to read more about this and begin to understand why the rest of the world hates us read this:


Anonymous said...

they had those at the rox.. they used jelly instead of katchup and other gross combinations &&&
PEOPLE ACTUALLY ATE THEM...............and liked it

hell to the no thanks

Foley for El Presidentay said...

That is honestly one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of. If I ever see you eating one of those consider your life forfeit.