Thursday, July 12, 2007

Deep water

*Note for anyone who ever went to my old page some of these posts are old hat.... I apologize for the lack of creativity but I need some things to place on this new site.

I have an irrational fear of deep water, I don't know when or why this happened I just know that one day I was treading water and I realized that I deeply feared not being able to see my feet. Since that day and in case you were wondering it was March 9, 2001 at roughly 3:31pm EST but anyways since that day it is rare that you will see me swimming in water over my head where I can't see my feet. Now When it comes to pools I am fine cause A. you can always see the bottom and B. their are no chances that Sharks will eat me. But why the Fear? What in my young life caused me to so despise deep water? I have a couple theories on this.

1. When I was 16 years old I was going out to drink on the town with my buddies, by drink on the town I mean sneak some old stale Budweiser tall boys out of my friends basement and drink at the golf course by his house topping of the night by peeing in the hole at the 18th Green. I digress so anyways I am trying to get out of the house and play it cool now keep in mind this is in December my mother turns to me and says "Kevin, if your ever caught in a rip tide, do not fight it! Let it drag you out to sea and then swim back to shore at an angel! It took me so off guard that I wonder if she somehow managed to shock me into a fear of deep water. She explained it as she just thought I should know, and was completely serious and it had just occurred to her than to tell me this....My mother ladies and gentleman.....

2. I saw Jaws at a very young age and for six months after that I would go no where near water. It got to the point where I had to be hospitalized due to dehydration. I almost died. Eventually my parents bought me a fish and i got over it...

3. The sudden up swing of stingray attacks in the past 7 years. You think I'm kidding, well I am not. I mean it's sad that the death of a D to possibly C list celebrity had to bring it into the lime light but it's been happening since at least 1999 and you can bet your sweet balls that it is going to keep happening. Until we stand together and fight....We need to put aside our petty differences unite under one common flag and slaughter those thin skinned pieces of shit. In a world where were all wearing deep sea diving suits(in order to get to the proper depth required to enter the stingray world and not get the bends on the way back up after killing their queen) Their is no black or white, no yellow or Dutch. Their is only Black swim suits???Ok so their is black but not skin color black, look what I am trying to say is that it makes us all you think the stingrays care what color we are, cause NEWSFLASH ! They Freakin don't.......

What the hell was I blogging about again, oh yes my fear of deep water. Well after rereading this blog, checking of course for spelling errors as, and I am sure this is evident in the last two blogs I always do I would have to say that my fear of deep water stems from my hatred of stingrays. That's their turf I am treading in, you've been warned, well I am off to go take a bath with the lights off...Later


Anonymous said...

word on the street is....
stingrays are deathly afraid of YOU!!
and thats weird because stingrays live in water........and it was the word on the STREET

hey im just saying. . .

Foley for El Presidentay said...

Hey don't say I didn't warn you....cause I did. Steve Irwin was just the beginning...mark my words.....