Friday, July 13, 2007

Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix: A Review

Let me just start off by saying I really need to see this one again to give it a fair shake, but that's probably not going to happen till it comes out on DVD so.....Anyways it's another year at Hogwarts, and Harry and his rag tang band of flunky friends are back at it in this the fifth installment of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Voldermort is back and some would claim badder then ever (although I still maintain Cedric Diggory had it coming) and the ministry of magic is doing everything they can to deny this fact. This movie had a different feel then it's predecessors and was far darker. No longer is Hogwarts Harry's happy place, ( Slide) but instead it has become a place almost as dismal to stay at as the Dursleys. It's only saving grace is of course Harry's friends and a new love interest In Chow Chang. Yates (The director) does a good job of darkening up Hogwarts but. He uses a lot of soft undertones and shadows to convey this and I think he did a good job of capturing the "teenage angst that only being 15 can bring. The story moves right along in some parts moving to fast and almost seeming as my roommate put it to be "Herky Jerky". One moment your at Hogwarts the next your in the forbidden forest, then your whipped to Grimwald place for an extended emotional scene with Sirius that M.B.L.A (or Man, boy love association) would be proud of, then back to Hogwarts, then zipped to Hogsmede. Frankly if I had not read the book I think I would have been lost. This was the longest book to date but the shortest movie, and I feel almost as if Yates took the book and summarized it skipping from one major theme to the other with out ever really delving to deep into characters, there emotions or plot, and despite this the acting I though was phenomenal each character was given the emotional range (as Hermione would put it) of a spoon but they still pulled it off quite well. From reading the books we know that there are a lot of emotional under currents running through the story and not just for Harry. Yates did not do a great job of showing this, and if you hadn't read the books you probably missed it all together.
Over all I give this movie a 7 out of 10 and probably place it third or fourth as far as it's standing against the other movies in the series.

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