Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bud and Barry The Adventure Continues!

Here is what bothers me about the fact that Bud Selig might not attend the game in which Barry Bonds breaks the all time Home run record. This is the monster that Selig created and now that it's out and wreaking havoc he is trying to distance himself from it. After the strike Baseball was lost, no one was watching, no one cared. America felt abandoned by it's national pass time, then all of a sudden you get these guys up there crushing the ball and the hunt for the single season record began and just like that everyone is back in. I mean it was exciting baseball, McGuire and Sosa two "Huge Freaking Guys" knocking the ever living crap out of the ball. It was sports at it's finest. To bad we now know it was probably sports at it's lowest considering they were both juicing, but still at the time it was exciting. The problem is you can't tell me that Selig didn't know these guys were juicing you can't say that he didn't suspect it. He knew and he just looked the other way, and I mean honestly in his shoe's wouldn't you.

It brought people back to baseball and as commissioner that is his job. To keep people coming to the games and watching on TV. But it just ruffles my feathers that now that it's out there he is playing all innocent. Buddy boy normal human beings don't have heads that grow, plus some of they guys out there look like they could have moonlighted for the WWE, another topic I could talk about, but well save that for another Post. I don't feel it's right that Bud leaves Barry out there to dry. I think When Barry crushes that record breaking home run Selig should be there to congratulate him. Hand him the trophy and be like "We did it buddy we brought people back to baseball, Oh and sorry your nuts have shriveled to the size of walnuts and you fly into uncontrollable fits of rage, oh and the fact that most likely you will be dead of cancer in the next ten to go...!"

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