Thursday, July 12, 2007

The most epic battle ever

So I am sitting at work today, doing the ol job, when A thought popped into my head, A thought that made me lay down my # 2 pencil and stare into space for a good ten minutes or so.. You know one of those questions that just randomly pops into your head and than begins to naw away at the back of your brain, like did I leave the oven on....Did I feed the dog, did I pick up little Susie from Day care yesterday cause she is no where in the house and I think that is DSS knocking at the door, one of those types of questions. What is this monumental question you might ask, what could have caused the ever diligent Kevin Reino from ceasing his work, and to stare stupidly into the soft pink wall of his cubicle for no less than ten minutes....Well it's simple I was mentally debating who would win in a fight...Capt. Kirk, or Capt Picard. Yup that's it!!!!!To make it easy I broke it down into a set of competitions cause it's unfair to judge the two side by side cause they lived like a century apart. In two very different worlds.

So lets begin and keep count1. Kirk Vs Picard in a bare knuckled fisticuffs match (fighting for those of you born after 1923) In this category the nod has to go to Kirk. I mean he was the first interstellar bad boy. I mean don't get me wrong Picard would get a few licks in and the two would walk away with a mutual respect of each other, but Kirk well Kirk was a fighter, Picard more of a thinking man, Next... Winner: KIRK

2. Picard Vs. Kirk Vs. Chef Tornagato at Kitchen stadium with the secret ingredient being Squid eggs:Ok so ignoring the Iron chef their, the victor here would be Picard. I mean come on he is French and they are born to cook. Kirk is from Minnesota I think or North Dakota or actually San Fran I can't remember, but regardless he is an American man so their are only three things he knows how to make...Hamburger from a cow he killed himself...Macaroni from wheat he grew himself....and cereal, before killing the cow he milked it. All of which are horribly burned and smothered in BBQ sauce. Winner :PICARD

3. Kirk Vs. Picard in an old school pencil fight (no huskies) Well this one is tough cause well their really is no skill to pencil fighting other than the mega whack which as we all remember from elementary school inflicts massive damage to one's opponent while weakening one's own pencil. Nod here goes to Picard cause Kirk would be mega whacking...(immature snicker) all day long while Picard would be waiting him out thinking through the battle using Kirks strategy against him. Winer : PICARD

4. Kirk Vs. Picard in love making (not to each other to women or aliens....alien women) Well this one is easy! Picards the kind of guy who would love a, maybe read her a sonnet or a haiku. Regale her with tales of her own beauty and than make gentle sweet love to her. Kirk would do all the same things but with only one thing in mind....Super Kirk Sex!!! were talking putting someone through a plaster wall sex where in the end the bed is some how up on it's side, the dresser is hanging out the window and the cat is dead.....Winner: KIRK

5. Kirk Vs. Picard in a game of Bad mitten (sp??) Note no points are awarded here cause real men don't play bad mitten, even men in the super PC future that they both came from....rather they would march over their together kick the crap out of whoever was playing (Hopefully some Romulus or even some Klingon's cause we all know Kirk hates them) Use the net to wrap them up than throw them out the trash bay of the enterprise and laugh while drinking natty ice as their heads explode in the cold vacuum of space. Winner: Everybody cause honestly can you trust someone who plays Bad mitten....No you can't!Well after reviewing all the facts I pretty much assumed it was a tie. I mean lets face it they are just both really great Capt.

I quickly picked up my #2 pencil and returned to work. Si denote...Stingray watch 06 meeting notes....It was agreed by all members of the anti stingray league that the title stingray watch 06 will be changed to stingray watch 07 at the turn of the year. Originally the delegation from China was opposed to the idea stating that they wanted to change it to Stingray watch 4703 but we had to explain to them that we were not using the Chinese year. It took some doing but we got it done. Note if you would like to join the anti String ray league, please just contact us...within days you will receive your custom pin, hat, and shirt. The stingrays are mobilized and they are coming...

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